Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Crowdfunding campaign to publish Keynes' remaining writings

OVERALL AIM: To complete the publication of ALL of Keynes’s remaining unpublished writings of academic significance.

Only about ONE THIRD were published in the Royal Economic Society edition. A huge quantity of VALUABLE unpublished material remains, scattered across 60 archives in 6 countries.

AIM OF THIS CAMPAIGN: Preparation of the Eton and early Cambridge volumes.

CAMPAIGN START: 11 October 2016.

TO LOCATE PROJECT: Google ‘JMK Writings Project Indiegogo’.

It is also planned, with publisher cooperation, for the campaign to assist selected universities in developing countries.


1. Spread the word prior to the campaign launch – to academic colleagues (in economics or elsewhere), students in classes, conference participants, policy-makers, parliamentarians, philanthropists etc.

2. Make, and encourage, donations, of ANY size, according to your situation. Especially on the first or second day of the campaign. Experience shows that strong starts are correlated with strong finishes.

Editor: Professor Rod O’Donnell, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.

Contact: jmkwritingsproject@gmail.com

See also: https://www.uts.edu.au/staff/rod.odonnell

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