The sociology of development as a field of study, a
structure of knowledge, providing an interpretive grid through which to render
impoverished regions of the world intelligible has its roots after the
completion of Second World War with the crystallization of ‘Modernization
theory', which constituted an ideation that societies are understood to move
from social positions of tradition to modernity polar ends of an evolutionary
continuum. At some point, incremental changes give way to a qualitative jump
into modernity, marked by the essence of industrialism. In this sense, the
Third world is perceived to be below the threshold of modernity, with a
preponderance of traditional-like features such as an extended kinship social
structure and, due to the lack of progress towards political differentiations,
similar to that of Western forms of democratization, strict hierarchical
sources of authority, altogether negating the possibilities to move beyond
disintegrated autarkic primary economic activities (Parsons, 1964).
The development of a high extent of differentiation: the development of free resources which are not committed to any fixed, ascriptive groups; the development of wide non-traditional, “national,” or even super-national group identifications; and the concomitant development, in all major institutional spheres, of specialized roles and of special wider regulative or allocative mechanisms and organization, such as market mechanisms in economic life, voting and party activities in politics, and diverse bureaucratic organizations and mechanisms in most institutional spheres (Eisenstadt (1973: 23).
According to Rostow (1960), all societies can be placed
along a linear continuum from undeveloped to developed along a ‘stages of
economic growth’ path, derived from an extensive study of Western economic
development. In ‘traditional society’, the first stage, it is deemed that
economic output is limited because of inaccessibility to innovative technology.
At the second stage, ‘the preconditions for take-off, modern science,
attributed to “Western Europe of the late seventeenth and early eighteenth
centuries” (Rostow, 1960, p. 6) ensues new innovations in production in
agriculture and industry, fostering widespread education, entrepreneurship, and
institutions capable of mobilizing industrial capital; capitalistic investments
increase, especially in transport, communication and raw materials.
Nevertheless, despite the development of some modern manufacturing, traditional
social structures and production techniques remain:
In many cases, for example, the traditional society persisted side by side with modern economic activities, conducted for limited economic purposes by a colonial or quasi-colonial power (Rostow, 1960, p.7)
Rostow’s third stage is ‘the Take-off’, in which traditional
barriers to economic growth, like the effect of a dual economy, are overcome.
At this point, capital investment increases rapidly and new industries expand
exponentially, as does an ‘entrepreneurial class’—economic growth becomes a
normal condition” (Rostow, 1960, p. 36). At the fourth stage, ‘the Drive to
Maturity’, technology becomes more complex and what produced is now less a
matter of economic necessity, and more a question of consumer choice. This
leads to the final fifth stage of high consumption, in which economic sectors
specialize in the manufacturing of highly sought after consumer durables and
basic life needs are mutually satisfied. In a play on Marx, Rostow’s analysis
suggests that the West, which “is more developed industrially only shows, to
the less developed, the image of its own future’ (Marx, 1954, p. 19). The assumption is that capitalism is a historically progressive system, which is transmitted from the privileged economically advanced countries to the rest of the world by a continual process of
destruction and replacement of pre-capitalist social structures (Palma, 1978).
The problem with modernization theory is that it is quite ahistorical, with respect to the global capitalist exploitation.
'Modernization’ theory can, and has been, be interpreted as a ‘blame the
victim’ approach to problems affecting the ‘Third World’. Rostow ignores the
external influences like colonialism that contributed to social in the Third
World. Rostow’s, and for most of ‘modernization’ theory, the unit of analysis
is the nation-state of the ‘Third World’, emphasizing internal dynamics, sectors
and sub-sectors, combined with the causal role of technology. As such,
conclusions drawn from this approach are that all nations, regardless of the
history of imperialism, colonialism, etc., should be able to modernize with
emulation of more developed economies and their diffusing of highly advanced
Paul Baran and Paul Sweezy, in Monopoly Capital (1960),
building on the path-breaking work of Michel Kalecki and Joseph Steindl, assess
the degree to which monopoly, as measured by the market concentration ratio of
large capitalist firms (corporations) in economically advanced countries,
ensues an inverse of Marx’s famous hypothesis that the ‘laws of motion’ of
capitalist development in produces a ‘tendency for the surplus to fall. Rather,
the economic surplus, defined as the gap, at any given level of economic
activity—effective demand in Keynesian terminology—, between what is produced
and the socially necessary costs of producing it, under monopoly capitalism has
a tendency to rise (Baran & Sweezy,1966, pp. 9, 52-57).
Since aggregate levels of effective demand for total output
determine the level of economic activity, crises of capital accumulation are
inevitable if the monopoly sector cannot sustain its power via sufficient
investment opportunities to absorb its accumulating share of the total surplus
produced. Rather than let this insufficiency put downward pressures on
potential profits as a whole, various stabilizing factors are set in motion,
which include classical Keynesian government deficit spending, research &
development (although risky without reliable forecasts potential spillover
effects), waste (as evidenced by a sales effort, i.e. consumerism), or
imperialism—the last of which provides the foundations for the dependency theoretical
approach to economic development.
In this sense, for an understanding of the fundamental
division between economically advanced countries and impoverished ones, it is
requisite to place attention to the extent to which foreign investment acts as
an outlet for investment-seeking surplus generation. Unlike Lenin’s theory of
imperialism, foreign investment is a method of extracting wealth, not a channel
through which surplus is directed, ensuing underdevelopment (Baran &
Sweezy, pp. 104-105). Underdevelopment is a thus process by which monopoly
capital in economically advanced nations exploit economically weaker countries
by exporting capital to the extent that profits produced (from the production
of cheaper consumer goods or raw materials via lower wages in these countries,
for example) are repatriated. It is the process by which the expropriation of
“foreign sources of supply and foreign markets, ena[ble] [the agents of]
monopoly capital to buy and sell on specially privileged terms” (Baran &
Sweezy 1966, p. 201), ensuring, caeteris paribus, their positions of power in
the world are sustained. The result is that economically weaker countries
suffer the retardation of the requisite forces to spawn autonomous and dynamic
process of self-governance of the conditions that constitute independent
social/political/economic coordination, planning and control.
The argument is that (Baran & Sweezy, pp. 9,178-179)
monopoly capitalism is tantamount to the degree to which large capitalist firms
in economically advanced countries have as their counterpart the “exploitation
of much of the rest of the world” and, as a result, constitute international
relations as a “hierarchical system with one or more leading metropolises,
completely dependent colonies [even if not name, certainly in practice] at the
bottom, and many degrees of superordinate and subordination in between […]
[t]hese features are of crucial importance to the functioning of both the
system as a whole and its individual components […] (Baran & Sweezy, 1966,
pp. 178-179). As such, “we cannot hope to formulate adequate development theory
and policy for the majority of the world’s population who suffer from
[impoverishment] without first learning how their past economic and social
history gave rise to their present underdevelopment” (Frank, [1966] 1969).
Underdevelopment is neither an original nor traditional social position. Hence,
it cannot be assumed that the contemporary position of the Third World can be
understood as solely a reflections of its internal historically specific
social, political, economic, and organizational characteristics. The process by
which monopoly capital in economic advanced countries extract surplus from
less-developed countries through capital exports limits the latter’s ability to
achieve the status of the former. Thus, 'modernization theory' is utterly
unsatisfactory, for such an approach
[…] in all its variations, ignores the historical and structural reality of the underdeveloped countries. This reality is the product of the very same historical process and systemic structure as is the development of the now developed countries’ (Frank 1969, p. 47).
To suggest that social, political, and economic advancement
of the underdeveloped world can be generated by the diffusion of what is deemed
modernizing institutions, values, etc. is fundamentally erroneous. If
development fails to occur, it is not because within the Third World there are
mere obstacles to diffusion because of innate poverty arising from some form
Gerschenkronian ‘backwardness’, but due to the net outflow of vital resources,
whether natural, monetary, human, technological etc. The implication is that
underdevelopment is not because of the “the survival of archaic institutions”,
or some inability to contract some ‘modern man’ (Inkles, 1969) syndrome; on the
contrary, it is generated by the same capitalist development that led to the
domination by economic advanced countries, that is, “the development of
capitalism itself” (Frank, [1966] 1969). Capitalism, hence, is an operation that cements a peripheral
latifundium system, via the constant forces of ‘primitive-accumulation', what
Myrdal (1957) defined as international ‘backwash’ effects, that reproduces a
cleavage between ‘town and country’, centre and periphery, on a tremendously
enlarged basis (cf. Bukharin & Lenin, 1929).
Viewed from this standpoint, dependency theory is a
manifestation of what David Harvey (1978, 2007) defines as ‘accumulation by
dispossession’ by virtue of which dialectical forces of motion and contradiction
generate vast disparities of wealth and power on a worldwide scale. The world
economy is reproduced as a world-system (Wallerstein, 1979) of ‘unequal
exchange’ (Emmanuel, 1972; Amin 1974, 1976), in which ‘underdevelopment’ ensues
peripheral internal long-run stagnation (Bornschier & Chase-Dunn, 1985, pp.
39-40). The terms of trade for the periphery fall precipitously – this is the
Prebisch-Singer hypothesis (Prebisch 1950). As Samir Amin (1976, p. 292) notes,
“whereas at the center growth means development, making the economy more
integral, in the periphery growth does not mean more development, for it
dis-articulates the economy. Since the imbalance of international trade defines
the mechanisms by which capital is drained from former colonized countries, there
is no way for peripheral countries in the world economy to ‘catch up’ in
Rostowian fashion (p. 383).
Nevertheless, the social facts that constitute the
particular social conditions for the constant negation of a ‘just price’ in
international trade ‘admits of varying interpretation’ (Frank, 1977). Case in
point is the extent to which the periphery is in fact ‘peripheralized’. To
suggest that the capitalist world economy simply, by definition, produces a
centre-periphery polarity (Frank, 1967; Wallerstein, 1974), is to pay
insufficient attention to understanding the extent to which economic
development in the periphery is a convoluted association of varying social
processes, rather than the mere result of a state’s homogenized world-systemic
position (Gellert, 2010).
According to Cardoso and Faletto ([1967] 1970), for
instance, development in the periphery, while controlling for socioeconomic
income differentials, is likely if foreign capital penetration creates
spillover effects. That is, partial economic growth is viable through what Peter Evans (1995) describes as the practice of an ‘embedded autonomy’-an apparent solidified social network between the state and civil society
(which consists of economic elites from the centre) that creates the capacity
for the state, as such, to engage in domestic Keynesian aggregate demand
management. Whether this is manifested is the extent to which a peripheral
country does not suffer the inability to borrow in its own currency, in which a
country, most likely a developing one, supplements its domestic unit account of
fiduciary reserve assets with a foreign currency. This is the exemplification
of a country foregoing its national ‘monetary sovereignty’ (Mundell, 1961).
The essence of national 'monetary sovereignty' is the
cartelist (or chartelist) (Goodhart, 1998) conception that emphasizes state
power to establish a particular unit of account, a national currency, which
allows economic calculations to take place (Ingham, 2004). In this sense, money
is a means for accounting for and settling of financial debts, the most
important of which are tax debts, which, in turn, regulate the level of
aggregate demand, and thus determination of national income through the use of
fiscal policy; it represents a [store of financial value] [...] [of which]
general purchasing power is held [...] (Keynes, 1930, p. 3).
In the United States, for example, and in contrast to James O’Connor ([1973] 2002) and Erik Olin Wright’s (1979) fiscal
sociological model for analyzing the intricacies of public finance, which
narrowly centers on a hypothetical natural limit to fiscal policy (Wright 1979,
p.157), the federal government, through open-market operations, sells
government bonds, Treasury securities, which are either bought or foregone by
the Federal Reserve (Fed). If the Fed commits to a policy of purchasing Treasury
securities, the interest rate by which the Federal government is liable on
Treasury securities held by the Fed is lowered. Symmetrically, if the Fed sells
Treasury securities, the Federal Government’s interest burden, which is paid
through taxes denominated in dollars, is raised. By providing a guarantee for
State debt, the Fed delivers the capability for the federal government to use
fiscal policy to regulate aggregate demand. Thus, the extent to which fiscal
policy is an option is determined by the burden of the federal government's
interest payments on Treasury securities to the Fed (cf. Lerner, 1943; Domar, 1944).
From this perspective, 'underdevelopment', or 'dependency',
is the powerlessness a peripheral country to establish its own unit of account
and thus is forced to variably peg its national currency to a foreign reference
currency. What ensues is the inability to use monetary policy—central bank
purchasing and selling of government bonds denominated in the domestic currency
for purposes of controlling the money supply, and thus the cost of credit—, and
fiscal policy, via deficit spending, for domestic economic needs. Since the
central bank is forced to maintain a certain level reserves of the foreign
reference currency such that the price of the domestic currency, in terms of
the reference currency, does not change, this produces a negative
money-multiplier that sets in motion an inherent deflationary bias, which, if
not counteracted by capital inflows to spur aggregate demand, can lead to
abrupt contraction of the monetary base, stinting any supposed progress towards
economic sustainability (cf. Fields & Vernengo, 2012, 2013).
Thus, if any form of government spending is to be engaged,
an 'underdeveloped' country has to issue bonds that are not denominated in its
own currency. This amounts to the attraction of external commercial loans with
the faith of the country's financial markets by foreign investors used as
collateral. As such, country risk is most likely going to exist. If confidence
is lost in the strength of the country's financial markets, leading to a spread
over bonds like US treasury securities, if the foreign reference currency is
the dollar, for example, interest rates on domestic foreign currency
denominated bonds are likely to rise, making government spending very costly,
which removes any form of domestic capacity to spur public investment as an
effective countercyclical policy in the face of economic downturns. This has
been essentially the case of Argentina before the 2001–2002 crisis, and of the
European periphery since the intensification of the Greek crisis in 2011.
Balance of payments constraints can be quite unsupportable,
spawning self-fulfilling financial collapses. Moreover, they altogether
constitute an ideological mask that normalizes the advance of global
cosmopolitan money-capitalist power to dictate the terms of domestic democratic
politics (Ingham, 2008). As such, the extent to which a country is
'peripheralized', is the degree to which its creditworthiness is essentially
evaluated in terms of the degree to which the state takes steps toward lowering
the social wage for the benefit of multinational corporations from the centre
(or core).
***This is a work in progress and I would like to thank
Matias Vernengo, Brett Clark, & Al Campbell for their assistance.***
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Excellent article David!It´s so few economists,at least in the western industrialist world, that write about this questions nowadays,it need to be adressed much more often.All the best to you!
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