Sunday, November 24, 2024

Milei's Psycho Shock Therapy

My short piece for Dollars & Sense on Milei's economic program is out now, here. An early version is available here. Btw, this is the 50th anniversary issue. By coincidence, 20 years ago, a piece of mine on Brazil (and the Lula government back then) was also published on Dissent on their 50th anniversary issue.

The Milei piece was written in June and revised around September. Now it seems more clear that they might receive some fresh money from the IMF, which will allow them to continue to pushing the adjustment well into next year, and, perhaps beyond. Note that this is exactly what the same team during the Macri administration. Try to cut spending in domestic currency (now more drastically) and, hence, debt in pesos, and increasing indebtedness in dollars. The money will probably come in, and as the interest rate differential remains negative, it will probably not lead to the accumulation of reserves. To be seen.

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