Tuesday, August 20, 2019

ICAPE call for papers

Geoff Schneider sent a reminder that the deadline (9/4) for the ICAPE call for papers, for the San Diego conference next January 5 and 6, is just a couple of weeks away. See details for submitting a paper, panel or workshop proposal. in the following link. The main topic is Policy, Politics and Pluralism: Pluralistic economics for the post-Trump era.

As we approach the 2020 elections, it is an opportune time for heterodox economists to articulate their vision for modern economic policies that would better serve the interests of people and the environment. Already, heterodox ideas are gaining traction, from Modern Monetary Theory to the Green New Deal. Possible topics are:
  • What key theoretical and empirical issues should contemporary economists be confronting?
  • What are the best theories and policies that pluralistic economists have to offer to address the major problems facing contemporary society?
  • How do those theories and policies improve upon mainstream economic analysis?
All conference submissions must be completed using the following Google Forms:

Individual Paper submissions: https://forms.gle/Uq8oj6m5dZa1Rdqm9

Complete Panel submissions: https://forms.gle/PdQKsrweWboVCFZ96

Roundtable or Workshop submissions: https://forms.gle/fjM38Ca2x9QZvU7T9

As you will see in the Google Forms, each participant must provide a name, professional title, affiliation, phone and email. Each paper/roundtable/workshop must include an abstract of up to 400 words (2800 characters), a short abstract of up to 100 words (700 characters), and 3 key words.

For additional information, contact Geoff.Schneider@Bucknell.edu.

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