Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Top blogs

Naked Keynesianism has been featured in the Top 100 Economics Blogs of 2019. I haven't been very active, and appreciate to be included in the company of much more interesting blogs. See all here.

1 comment:

  1. As an alumnus, I read your account of the genesis of the Economics Department at the New School with great interest. However, there is an important gap: the crucial role of the student movement in the late 60’s, and the student organized Economics Society in forcing the old guard (Lowe, Heilbroner, Vietorisz, Schwartzman et al.)to expand both the curriculum and the faculty to allow a more rigorous exploration of the critique of conventional economic thinking. As a result of this student led effort, new faculty were recruited: Harry Magdoff, Steve Hymer, Robert Gordon, Ed Nell, and Anu Sheikh, among others...(Paranthetically, students of my generation were also active in the establishment of the Union for Radical Political Economy...URPE).


Serrano, Summa and Marins on Inflation, and Monetary Policy

This is the full round table on Inflation and Monetary Policy organized by the Bucknell Institute for Public Policy (BIPP), with Franklin S...