Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Global depreciation since the collapse of oil prices

One figure is worth a thousand words (negative number imply depreciation).
So, if you think China devalued a lot...

Source here.

PS: On Twitter some have argued that some depreciations are overestimated. My point remains. China did not depreciate much, comparatively. And besides as noted before there might be a connection between depreciation in the periphery and lower commodity prices.


  1. Those calculations are a bit problematic: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/417yo8/currencies_worth_change_since_the_start_of_the/cz0azlc

    1. Calculations. There is no indication of how they were made. And I didn't check all the data. Nominal depreciation for Brazil, for example, seems ballpark right. The comments in the link provided are incorrect, btw.


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