Sunday, November 15, 2015

On the blogs

Lies, Damn Lies, and Argentine Industrial Output -- Joe Francis shows that Roberto Cortés Conde's estimates for Argentine output growth in the late 19th century are way off

On brilliant, neglected women economists – for Woman’s Hour -- Ann Pettifor on Joan Robinson, Vicky Chick, Susan Strange and gender bias in economics

Autonomous demand and economic growth: some empirical evidence -- Alejandro Fiorito at Circus links to a paper on the supermultiplier by Daniele Girardi and Riccardo Pariboni

The GOP’s pipe dream of radical tax cuts -- not a post, but a Post editorial, which follows my post last Friday. I'm not concerned about the size of debt, as WAPO seems to be, but we agree that the GOP's tax plans do not add up

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Inflation, real wages, and the election results

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