Sunday, May 24, 2015

On the blogs

Paul Romer Confused on Capital Theory -- Robert Vienneau on the mathiness affair.

Mathiness -- and Mike Isaacson too.

Central bank lending and the Great Fire of London -- A bit old, but relevant. Frances Coppola on the distinction between lender of last resort and bailouts. I have the impression that the same confusion occurs with Quantitative Easing.

Josef Steindl on why austerity fails: A Keynesian-Kaleckian view of stagnation policy and the endogenous budget deficit -- Even older post by Circuit, but on the recent debates on the revived secular stagnation issue.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this, Matias! Let's keeping spreading the word about Steindl's fantastic and relevant work.


On alternative views of welfare

    Two traditions in economics   I've been teaching a course on Public Policy, and had to deal with conventional manuals, which tend to...