Sunday, May 17, 2015

On the blogs

How Should Economics be Taught? -- Vicenç Navarro on the need for more interdisciplinary and about Podemos in Spain (h/t Mike Norman). Don't get me wrong, interdisciplinary is certainly good, but the problems with economics are within the discipline. Doesn't help much to have historical and political perspective if the economic model suggests markets are self-regulated with a tendency to the natural rate of unemployment.

How to Justify Teaching the Worst of Economics to Non-Economists -- Ingrid Harvold Kvangraven also on teaching. Should have posted this one a while ago, but missed it.

Blaming Keynes -- Simon Wren-Lewis response to Niall Freguson's FT piece. How well has the UK done under the Tories? His reply: "growth in GDP per head under Labour averaged 1.5% even though it included this recession, but average growth from 2010 to 2014 was only 1% when we should have been seeing a rapid recovery."

Paul Romer on math masquerading as science -- Many entries on Romer's paper. Lars Syll provides a good entry to this debate.


  1. Well, markets are self regulated. They just don't provide good social outcomes.


On alternative views of welfare

    Two traditions in economics   I've been teaching a course on Public Policy, and had to deal with conventional manuals, which tend to...