Thursday, March 28, 2013

Brazilian Keynesian Association Conference


Call for Papers

The Brazilian Keynesian Association (AKB) is organizing its 6th International Conference which will be held in the 14-16 August 2013, in Vitoria, Brazil, at the Federal University of Espirito Santo. The Conference will have two special sessions: ‘The future of the Keynesianism: in honour of Prof Mario Possas’ and ‘Inflation targeting and the criticism on the New Macroeconomic Consensus’, with participation of Philip Arestis, Gilberto Tadeu Lima, among other ones, as special guests. There will be a mini-course on ‘Keynes, Kalecki and Schumpeter: a necessary bridge?”, with Mario Possas. We would like to invite you to submit papers to our Conference. The submissions shall be broadly related to the following topics:
International Economics and Finance.
Financial System and Financing of the Economy.
Macroeconomics and Economic Policies.
Macroeconomic Regime Alternatives.
Economic Growth and Income Distribution.
Industrial Organization and the Behaviour of the Mega-Corporations.
Modern History.
i. Submission dates: until May 20, 2013 (deadline),
ii. The papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese.
iv. The author should send the file with the paper (with his/her name and affiliation) to AKB email:;
v. Each author cannot submit more than 2 (two) papers;
vi. The papers must have the following characteristics: the name of the author and his/her affiliation; they must be written in Microsoft Office Word; the maximum number of pages is 25, abstract included, the space between lines is simple and the font and the size of letters have to be, respectively, Times New Roman and 12 pt;
vii. The cost for transportation is at the expense of participants;
viii. The papers of the conference will be available in both the AKB website and in the CD congress (Proceedings of the VI Conference of AKB).

The Scientific Committee is André Modenesi (UFRJ), Alain Herscovici (UFES) and Giuliano Contento de Oliveira (UNICAMP). Additional details about the Conference can will appear in the AKB website: Or just send an email to us:

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