Sunday, January 15, 2012

American decline?

A few readings on why American hegemony is not on the verge of collapse, prompted by a conversation with a graduate student. Note that all come from a group of people that has been influenced by Maria da Conceição Tavares, who wrote in 1985 a classic paper (A Retomada da Hegemonia Norte-Americana; in portuguese), on the rise of US hegemony when almost everybody was going in the other direction.

Fiori, J. L. (ND) "The Global Power, Its formation, its expansion and its limits," processed.

Serrano, F. 2003. “From Static Gold to Floating Dollar,” Contributions to Political Economy, 22: 87–102.

Medeiros, C. A. (2003), "The post‐war American technological development as a military enterprise," Contributions to Political Economy, 22: 41-62. (Subscription required)

Fields, D. and M. Vernengo (2011), "Hegemonic Currencies during the Crisis," Levy Economics Institute Working Paper No 666.

And yes, I did notice the number of the working paper!

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